This was the final abum by the Fay Victor Ensemble. At this point Fay and I were co-composing. Of all the FVE-albums, this one has the most intricate compositions, and the widest range in compositional breath – from text-based improv (Shaded In Grey) to almost fully through-composed (Robot Clown, The Sign At The Door). I am still quite proud of these compositions.
From the Label:
In a world many moons ago and on a different plane, a sound came about that was harsh and annoying. Cloying even. Many ran and complained yet a few drew near ever imbued and imbibed by this weird sensation. The other side intrigued these true explorers who set off to this, a land that bred risk and chance, co-mingled with experimentation to represent a world upside down and sideways. Skewed perspectives lurk at every corner, dripping over sand dunes like Dali. How is one to cope with such information? The Fay Victor Ensemble tries to mince these vistas with soundtracks and vignettes of a world gone mad in an alternative universe viewed through a prism from there to here. Where are we then?